GFC Lighting & Equipment Services

We believe our services will light you up

lighting within server room

Our Service Oriented Model

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Client Support

Supply Chain Management

Value Engineering

Lighting Manufacturing

Project Management

Vendor Management



Our Supply Chain Management

GFC Supply Chain Management

Lighting Controls

  • Smart lighting controls – Take control of lighting expenses and customization with Lutron smart lighting controls and dimmers. These systems allow customization of lighting schedules, adjustment of brightness levels, and even integration with occupancy sensors to ensure that lights are only on when and where needed. Designed to meet your residential, commercial and industrial needs.

  • Utilize space saving – stacked designs to accomplish multiple controls within a streamlined design.

  • Options – Hundreds of styles to compliment any decor.

  • LED lighting systems – Illuminate spaces efficiently by utilizing LED lighting systems which last longer and consume significantly less energy, contributing to a noticeable reduction in electricity bills.

  • Building Automation Systems (BAS) – Embrace the power of automation with Building Automation Systems. BAS enables centralized control of various building systems, optimizing energy usage by intelligently managing lighting and other electrical systems based on real-time data and user preferences.

Lighting Fixtures

  • Extensive lighting solutions – We are a full-service lighting company, providing solutions for every style and application. Our extensive range caters to diverse tastes and needs, ensuring each client finds the perfect for their space. From modern, sleek designs to classic timeless pieces, GFC has you covered!

  • Style & Efficiency - Illuminate your home or business space with style AND efficiency.

  • Custom and replicated solutions – We also provide the ability to source and replicate any fixture and we can do it for LESS COST.

  • Our expert team – offers personalized consultations to help clients select their ideal fixtures , ensuring optimal functionality and aesthetic appeal.

Electrical Equipment

  • Switchgear - Let us show you how to optimize by using switchgear technology to control, manage, protect and isolate your electrical equipment, efficiently managing electrical loads, ensuring reliable power distribution, reducing downtime and prolonging the lifespan of your electrical infrastructure.

  • Emergency Generators - We offer a host of essential backup power sources to automatically activate during a power failure, keeping critical systems operational.

  • UPS - Utilize Uninterruptible Power Supplies to provide emergency power to critical equipment when the main source fails, preventing data loss, hardware damage, and operational downtime. UPS systems provide a stable power supply during outages, voltage fluctuations and surges, providing peace of mind for those reliant on constant power availability.

  • Inverters - Allow for the efficient utilization of renewable energy systems, provide backup power and support off-grid living, enhancing your energy independence and contribute to sustainable energy practices.

Warehousing & Logistics

  • Warehousing - One of the key benefits in choosing GFC Lighting is our unique ability for product demand planning, timely warehousing the product, and the entire coordination and logistics associated with job site product delivery.

  • Logistics - Our skilled and seasoned project managers will ensure for a smooth process from start to finish, handling the coordination and timely delivery of all your lighting needs- so you don’t have to!

Let’s Discuss Your Next Project

(845) 268-4139

credit: icons on this page are sourced from Freepik; designed by Good Ware, Rukanicon, Muhammad Ali